
Why did email harassment spiked after COVID and how to respond?

Take immediate action to protect yourself

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on many aspects of daily life, including a spike in email harassment. According to a report from the cybersecurity firm Tessian, 56% of employees surveyed reported an increase in phishing attacks since the beginning of the pandemic. Additionally, the report found that 43% of employees received a phishing email at least once a day. These attacks can lead to harassment through unsolicited and malicious emails, causing significant stress and anxiety for the recipients.

Another report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found a significant increase in email harassment during the pandemic. The report found that anti-Semitic harassment increased by 22% in 2020, with a significant portion of this harassment occurring through email. Additionally, the ADL reported an overall increase in online harassment and hate speech during the pandemic, with email being a common tool for the spread of such content.

In response to email harassment, it is important to take immediate action to protect yourself. This includes reporting the harassment to your email provider and potentially involving law enforcement if the harassment is severe or threatening. It is also recommended to avoid responding to the harasser and to keep a record of all harassing emails. Additionally, consider adjusting your email settings to filter out unwanted emails and to block the sender if necessary. It is important to prioritize your mental health and seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if needed.

We built BYE! Gmail block extension to address the need of effective blocking on Gmail. Our extension detects and clears out any blocked email from the system, ensuring that they are completely removed from your inbox. With our one-click spam and trash cleaning feature, you no longer have to worry about manually going through your spam and trash folders and being exposed to unwanted emails. Our extension takes care of everything with just one click, making the process of managing your inbox more efficient and stress-free.
